iNFiNiTY Baisikeli also sponsors both Salome & Alice of Dadarides and ensure Gender Equality…..
iNFiNiTY Baisikeli has decided to also sponsor 2 ladies from Dadarides Racing team as they are in preparation for the upcoming Migration Gravel Race that will take place in the Masaai Mara from 18 – 21 June 2022. This multi-day race in the African savannah is definitely going to be a test for the ladies. To help them perform at their best, we have supplied goody bags of various Super Quality products that will be useful in their quest to conquer this challenge….Dada power!!!!
Salome has been a constant performer on the ladies cycling scene in Kenya while Alice has shown that given the opportunity and good material she has the determination to become a top performer, both with a common goal of inspiring women to embrace the sport of cycling.

Comments (4)
The chamois cream is a product that does wonders. 650kms migration Gravel race in four days and if I was added onother 50km or more I would still go ahead being on that saddle. I loved it. Squirt chain lube is another product that was amazing. It’s long lasting and does not gather dirt thus making work easier while cleaning your chain with worderful Squirt bike cleaner. Thank you @Infinity Baisikeli for introducing these amazing products to us.
Hi Alice, Thank you for the positive feedback on the products and glad that you found them useful on this epic ride…I am absolutely sure that fellow riders can benefit and enhance their cycling experience by using these products….
Once again, well done on your ride!!!
Thank you infinity bikeshop for the support. Migration race needs proper preparation to begin with tools, nutrition. Looking forward to the next race
Hi Sally,
You are most welcome and glad to know that all products were useful on your ride…..Yes looking forward to following your future rides!!!